Coffee Bean

Scientific Name:

Gymnocladus dioicus

Other Names and Species:

Coffee Nut
Kentucky Mahogany
Knicker Tree
Stunmp Tree


North America


The sapwood of coffee bean is greenish-white, while the heartwood is light brown to light red in color. The species has a straight grain comparable to ash or red elm, and is coarse in nature.


Coffee bean has a natural resistance to decay, and lacks any noticable odor. Coffee bean is diffuclt to dry properly while preventing splitting.

Janka Hardness: 1390

As a flooring option, coffee bean is a relatively hard and durable wood. It is nearly identical in hardness to white oak, is roughly three quarters as hard as hickory or pecan, about forty percent harder than teak, and is only about four percent softer than hard maple.


Coffee bean responds well to cutting tools. Pre-boring is suggested yet the wood holds nails well once applied. Glue holds well with coffee bean flooring. This species works to a good polish.

Principal Uses:

Coffee bean’s uses include flooring, desks, cabinets, wardrobes, and as tables.