Scientific Name:
Paratecoma peroba
Other Names and Species:
Ipe peroba
Peroba branca
Peroba de campos
White peroba
Coastal Brazil
The sapwood of peroba is white to yellowish, while the heartwood is light olive colored with a red tinting. The species has an interlocked grain, is fairly lusterous, and is fine in texture.
Peroba has a high resistance to decay and is reported to have no odor. Peroba dries easily with little effect on the end product.
Janka Hardness: 1557
As a flooring option peroba is a hard and durable wood. It is roughly twenty percent harder than red oak, about seven percent harder than hard maple, almost eighty-five percent as hard as hickory or pecan, and close to seventy percent as hard as santos mahogany’s ranking of 2200.
Peroba provides little difficulty in working with tools or sawing. Both glue and nails hold well on this species. The wood sands good and polishes nicely.
Principal Uses:
Peroba’s uses include flooring, joinery, furniture, veneer, and decks.