
Scientific Name:

Carya illinoensis

Other Names and Species:

Bitter Pecan
Nogal morado
Nuez encarcelada
Pecan hickory
Sweet pecan


United States of America


The sapwood of pecan is pale brown while the heartwood is reddish-brown in color. The species has a straight, sometimes irregular grain and is coarse in texture.


Pecan is susceptible to frost and decay. The wood remains smooth under friction and is reported to have no odor. Pecan dries quickly and easily but does shrink somewhat in the process.

Janka Hardness: 1820

As a flooring option, pecan is one of the harder options out there. It is a little over a third harder than white oak, over twenty-five percent harder than hard maple, only forty points softer than purpleheart’s ranking of 1860, and is just under eighty-three percent as hard as santos mahogany’s ranking of 2200.


Pecan can cause moderate to severe dulling on cutting surfaces, creating some difficulty to saw properly. Pecan does not respond well to nailing although gluing is satisfactory. Screws seam to be a better option in this species. This species requires some care to obtain a smooth finish and stains well.

Principal Uses:

Pecan’s uses include flooring, furniture, sub-flooring, fuelwood, and veneer.